Building Critical Skills to Drive Future Innovation
From the Co-Founder’s Desk
Nelson Joseph G, EinNel Technologies
“The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills”.
– Peter Drucker.
We live in a generation that changes both constantly and precipitously and to keep up with the advancing technology remains a persistent challenge as companies are facing huge skill gaps among their workforces. We are currently amid the so-called fourth industrial revolution which is a fusion of artificial intelligence, robotics, digital twin, and other technologies that are developing rapidly. Therefore, the most important skill we must all acquire during these times is learning how to learn in order to adapt to the changing nature of industrialization.
The significance of upskilling and reskilling is often underestimated in the organizational bodies. However, at EinNel we highly value the importance of constant and continuous mentoring and training for both our fresh graduates and experienced software developers by taking new initiatives to bridge the gap thereby providing excellent workforce support to our clients. EinNel has rolled out several on-the-job training (OJT) programs for fresh campus hired graduates along with numerous learning & development programs and for experienced employees through online courses in combination with real-life lectures and seminars.
At EinNel, we follow a strategy of Job Enrichment by increasing the skill variety to the existing jobs, peer coaching by mentoring each other and we solve problems as a team. We also hire external Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to team with our employees and creating new and advanced opportunities for upskilling in diverse vectors. Employees who have knowledge of certain skill sets take the responsibility of transferring that knowledge to fresh graduates. This culture helps us to build stronger and more efficiently functioning teams and satisfy our customers with advanced and reliable services. We began the strategy of upskilling from the beginning of 2021 with the aim of equipping our people with a broader scope of knowledge across various domains that we believe are critical for our client requirements. Some of the technological areas focussed upon, include:
- Data Engineering and AI/ML solutions for automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, and other process industries
- Digital twin development for process industries
- Advanced C++, Python for scientific application development
- Business Intelligence
- Advanced web/mobile application framework to build AI application
- DevOps, MLOps for modern AI application deployment
- Data-Driven CAE
I would like to thank all our directors and managers for taking the initiative to roll out the upskilling strategies within EinNel Technologies. I am confident that this process will inspire our employees and bring innovation to life at work.