
Solid-State Batteries for Next – Generation Electric Vehicles

Dr. Paul Sathiyan - Director, Automotive Power Electronic Drives, AIoT, MBS

The global Solid-State Batteries (SSB) market is projected to experience robust growth in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for Electric Vehicles (EV), consumer electronics, and energy storage systems. Market analysts forecast a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) exceeding 50% during the forecast period, indicating strong momentum for solid-state battery technology. SSB has emerged as a promising solution to address the limitations of conventional lithium-ion batteries, offering higher energy density, improved safety, and enhanced longevity on a single charge. Unlike traditional batteries that use liquid electrolytes, SSB utilize solid electrolytes such as ceramics or polymers, which eliminate the risk of electrolyte leakage and dendrite formation, leading to safer and more reliable energy storage solutions. Moreover, SSB exhibit superior thermal stability compared to their liquid electrolyte counterparts, reducing the risk of thermal runaway and enhancing overall battery safety. This inherent safety feature is particularly crucial for EVs, where battery fires pose significant concerns for vehicle occupants and first responders.

In addition to improved safety and energy density, SSB offer the potential for extended cycle life, reducing the need for frequent battery replacements and lowering the total cost of ownership for EV owners. By employing stable electrolyte materials and advanced electrode designs, SSB can withstand thousands of charge-discharge cycles without significant degradation, enhancing the durability and reliability of EV powertrains. Several companies and research institutions are at the forefront of solid-state battery development, including Toyota, BMW, QuantumScape, and Solid Power.

However, despite their promising attributes, SSBs face several challenges that must be overcome before they can be widely adopted in commercial EVs. These challenges include cost reduction, manufacturing scalability, ensuring adequate performance under real-world operating conditions, selection of materials and meeting safety standards.

1. Cost: The manufacturing cost of SSB remains high due to the complexity of production processes and the use of specialized materials. Achieving cost parity with conventional lithium-ion batteries is essential for mass adoption in the automotive sector.

2. Scalability: Scaling up production to meet the demands of the automotive industry is a significant challenge. Developing scalable manufacturing processes that ensure consistency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness is critical for commercial success.

3. Performance Under Real-World Conditions: SSB must demonstrate performance and durability under diverse operating conditions, including temperature extremes, rapid charging, and high cycle counts. Ensuring reliability and longevity is essential for gaining consumer trust and acceptance.

4. Material Challenges: Finding suitable solid electrolyte materials that exhibit high conductivity, stability, and compatibility with electrode materials is crucial. Additionally, optimizing electrode-electrolyte interfaces to minimize resistance and maximize energy density remains a focus of research.

5. Safety Certification: Meeting stringent safety standards and obtaining certification for automotive applications is a prerequisite for commercialization. Ensuring that SSB can withstand mechanical stress, thermal fluctuations, and other adverse conditions is paramount for regulatory approval.

Research and development endeavors are currently in progress to tackle these obstacles and hasten the integration of SSB into automotive applications. Collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders, research institutions, and government agencies are essential to foster innovation, expedite technological advancements, and establish resilient supply chains. While initial prototypes have demonstrated encouraging outcomes concerning energy density and safety, the challenge of ramping up production to meet the demands of the automotive industry persists. Despite the challenges, the potential advantages of solid-state batteries, encompassing superior energy density, safety, and longevity, position them as a compelling option to drive the evolution of electric vehicles and energy storage systems into the future.


Crafting Excellence: Our Journey in Developing a Data-Driven Application for Boiler Plant Optimization

Merlin - Technical Director, Software

Embarking on the development journey of a data-driven application for optimizing boiler plant operations was a collective endeavor that tested the bounds of our expertise and collaboration as a software team. Throughout this journey, we encountered multifaceted challenges, from integrating domain knowledge to refining user interfaces for intricate calculations. Here, we recount our collective experience in surmounting the complexities of this transformative project.

Domain Knowledge Integration: As a diverse team comprising software engineers, data scientists, and domain experts, we recognized early on the importance of harmonizing our collective knowledge. Collaborating closely with mechanical engineers, we immersed ourselves in the intricacies of boiler plant operations. This interdisciplinary exchange facilitated a deep understanding of thermodynamics, and process control principles, laying the groundwork for effective data pre-processing and model development.

Testing and Validation: Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of our application demanded meticulous testing and validation procedures. With 300+ sensors generating vast amounts of real-time data, we devised comprehensive testing to scrutinize data integrity, pre-processing algorithms, and predictive models.

Background Processing for Model Tuning and Optimization: The pursuit of optimal model performance led us into the realm of computational complexity. Model tuning and optimization necessitated efficient background processing capabilities and substantial computational resources. One significant aspect of our solution was the implementation of Celery in conjunction with RabbitMQ for background processing. This combination provided us with the necessary framework to efficiently handle computationally intensive tasks such as model tuning and optimization. By leveraging Celery’s distributed task queue and RabbitMQ’s message broker, we were able to streamline our workflow and enhance the responsiveness of our application.

Complex UI for Formula Calculation: Designing a user interface that empowered users to navigate complex calculations with ease posed a significant challenge. Despite our concerted efforts, perfecting the UI remains an ongoing endeavor. We recognize the critical role that an intuitive and user-friendly interface plays in facilitating the seamless execution of complex calculations and ensuring the accessibility of our application to users across diverse technical backgrounds Our team is dedicated to addressing these challenges head-on, leveraging innovative design principles and iterative feedback loops to refine and enhance the user experience. By prioritizing usability and functionality, we are committed to delivering a UI that empowers users to harness the full potential of our solution and drive tangible improvements in boiler plant operations.

By embracing interdisciplinary collaboration, leveraging advanced methodologies, and prioritizing user-centric design principles, we have not only overcome challenges but have also opened new frontiers in industrial optimization. As we continue to refine and innovate, we are poised to lead the way in leveraging data-driven technologies to drive operational excellence and foster sustainable
growth in industrial settings.


Bytes & Bits: The Next Evolution in Wearable Tech

Amidst the ongoing scrutiny of Humane AI’s AI Pin, a fresh contender has emerged in the tech scene. Limitless, a software development company based in Colorado, unveiled its latest innovation, the Limitless Pendant, on April 15th. Unlike its counterparts such as AI Pin and Rabbit R1, renowned for their diverse functionalities, the Limitless Pendant offers a distinct proposition. A standout feature of the Limitless Pendant is its real-time transcription and note-taking capabilities. As users engage in conversations, the pendant captures, transcribes, and summarizes the dialogue into concise notes for future reference. This functionality proves invaluable, particularly in fast-paced settings where detailed note-taking may pose a challenge. The pendant offers versatility, capable of being worn as a necklace or clipped onto clothing. Its integration with the user’s digital ecosystem transforms it into a personalized AI assistant, leveraging past interactions and observations to enhance focus and productivity across various scenarios, be it



Streamlining Success: EinNel’s Systems & Processes Training

John Terry - Chief Operations Officer

A two-day training initiative was conducted for the Lead Engineers, Managers, and Directors of EinNel Technologies on the 25th and 26th of April, 2024. The event centered on the implementation of specific systems, processes, and standard protocols required within the organization

The program commenced with an orientation session led by the CEO, Mr. Albert Einstein, on systems and process training. This was followed by a session conducted by Dr. Paul Sathiyan, guiding participants through a walkthrough of Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive. Subsequently, Ms.Benitta Manuel from the UK provided insights into agile methodologies.

The second day featured a presentation by Mr. Peter Spackman, our partner from Ireland, discussing EinNel and FACS’s plans for the European market, followed by another session with Ms. Benitta Manuel. Mr.Nelson, Co-Founder, and Ms. Merlin, Software Director, shared their experiences and conducted a DevOps demo for Agile Methodologies.


The training closed with a comprehensive review of the program, involving self-analysis and a feedback session, conducted by Dr. Paul Sathiyan. Engaging activities organized by Ms. Ajita Magdalene between sessions ensured participants remained lively and engaged throughout.

This program is expected to enhance leadership productivity, thus benefiting every employee within the organization.


EinNel’s Generative AI: Transforming Interior Design

Ajita Magdalene - Business Analyst

Traditionally, interior design has been a subjective and a time consuming process, often involving numerous revisions to meet client’s expectations. The realm of interior design stands out as a domain where creativity meets functionality. Today, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and design has sparked a revolution across various industries and now, with the advent of generative AI, the possibilities have expanded exponentially. At the forefront of this revolution is EinNel, leveraging generative AI to reshape the interior design landscape.

When a client from Bangalore approached us to create a custom proprietary software for seamless home design experiences, it marked another milestone for EinNel. Our pioneering efforts in integrating artificial intelligence continue to reshape the interior design industry.

EinNel redefines interior design through the application of generative AI, enabling designers to input parameters like color schemes and layout preferences to swiftly generate multiple design options. This not only expedites the design process but also encourages exploration of innovative possibilities, while ensuring each design is tailored to the unique preferences of the client.

By leveraging machine learning algorithms trained on vast design datasets, EinNel’s AI transcends traditional design norms. It goes beyond static designs to simulate and optimize various aspects of interior spaces, such as lighting, airflow, and acoustics. This revolutionizes interior design project execution and management, automating processes, reducing errors, and enhancing collaboration among stakeholders. Additionally, EinNel’s AI-driven optimization extends to cost, automating material selection and spatial planning, leading to cost savings and smoother project deliveries.